
  1. 3. Small creatures that live in water. They have gills to breathe and fins to help them swim.
  2. 5. A large animal with four legs that people ride or use for pulling carts. They can run fast.
  3. 8. A long and slithery reptile without legs. Some of them can be poisonous, but most are harmless.
  4. 9. A colorful bird that can mimic human speech. They are smart and can learn to repeat words.
  5. 11. A reptile with a hard shell on its back. They move slowly and can hide inside their shell.
  6. 12. Animals with feathers that can fly. They build nests and can chirp or sing beautiful songs.
  7. 14. A furry animal that is independent and likes to clean itself. They purr when they are happy.
  1. 1. A tiny rodent with small ears and a long tail. They are known for their curiosity and quickness.
  2. 2. A playful pet with a long body and a bushy tail. They like to explore and hide small objects.
  3. 4. A small and furry pet that lives in a cage. They love to run on wheels and eat seeds.
  4. 6. A reptile with scaly skin that can change color. They can crawl on walls and catch insects.
  5. 7. A small and active pet similar to a hamster. They love to dig tunnels and play with toys.
  6. 10. A cute animal with long ears and a fluffy tail. They hop around and eat vegetables like carrots.
  7. 13. A friendly animal that is often kept as a pet. They like to play and can be trained to do tricks.