  1. 2. Small and furry rodents that are fun to watch and interact with.
  2. 4. Adorable and fluffy creatures that hop around as pets.
  3. 6. Slow-moving reptiles that make interesting and low-maintenance pets.
  4. 10. Colorful and talkative birds that can mimic human speech.
  5. 13. Energetic and curious animals that can be kept as pets.
  6. 14. Loyal and friendly companions that are often kept as pets.
  7. 15. Small and furry rodents that are fun to watch and interact with.
  8. 16. Adorable and fluffy creatures that hop around as pets.
  1. 1. Small and active rodents that are often kept in cages as pets.
  2. 3. Slithery reptiles that can be fascinating pets for some people.
  3. 5. Feathered creatures that can chirp and sing delightful tunes.
  4. 7. Cold-blooded creatures with scaly skin, often kept as pets.
  5. 8. Independent and playful animals that make great furry friends.
  6. 9. Majestic and intelligent animals that require special care.
  7. 11. Energetic and curious animals that can be kept as pets.
  8. 12. Aquatic animals kept in tanks or ponds as delightful pets.