
  1. 1. A domesticated mammal commonly kept as a companion, known for its loyalty and friendly nature.
  2. 4. A warm-blooded animal with feathers and the ability to fly, often kept as a pet for its singing or talking abilities.
  3. 5. A small rodent with a short tail, often kept in a cage as a pet and known for its nocturnal activities.
  4. 7. A colorful bird with the ability to mimic human speech, often kept as a pet for its talking ability.
  5. 9. A reptile with a protective shell, often kept as a pet and known for its slow movement.
  6. 12. A small rodent with a short tail, often kept in a cage as a pet and known for its nocturnal activities.
  7. 14. A small mammal with long ears and a fluffy tail, often kept as a pet and known for hopping.
  8. 15. A small domesticated carnivorous mammal, known for its playful and curious nature.
  1. 2. Pig A small mammal with a rounded body and no tail, often kept as a pet for its docile nature.
  2. 3. A large domesticated mammal often kept for riding, known for its strength and beauty.
  3. 6. A reptile with a protective shell, often kept as a pet and known for its slow movement.
  4. 8. Pig A small mammal with a rounded body and no tail, often kept as a pet for its docile nature.
  5. 10. A small carnivorous mammal kept as a pet, known for its independence and ability to catch mice.
  6. 11. A small, burrowing rodent often kept as a pet and known for its active and social behavior.
  7. 13. A long, legless reptile often kept as a pet, known for its slithering movement.
  8. 15. A cold-blooded aquatic animal with gills and fins, often kept in a fish tank as a pet.