
  1. 1. largest land animal
  2. 3. area of land that receives less than 10 inches of rain per year
  3. 5. of considerable size
  4. 6. 1941 disney film about an elephant
  5. 9. a large area covered mostly with trees and undergrowth
  6. 13. type of elephant found throughout southeast asia
  7. 14. african country with most elephants in the world
  8. 15. word for baby elephant
  1. 2. describing an animal that only eats plants
  2. 4. the sound an elephant makes
  3. 7. type of elephant found mostly south of the sahara
  4. 8. most commonly eaten food of elephants
  5. 10. long nose of an elephant
  6. 11. grassy plain in warm climate with few trees
  7. 12. the tusks of an elephant are made of this hard white material