
  1. 2. A small, furry pet that loves to run on a wheel in his cage
  2. 4. What word describes a pet that loves snuggling and being close to its owner?
  3. 5. PIG A cute, social pet that communicates with adorable squeaks
  4. 6. What small aquatic animal with golden scales is often kept as a pet in a bowl?
  5. 10. What word means covered with soft, thick hair or fur, making a pet feel warm and cozy?
  6. 12. A colorful bird that can talk and mimic human speech
  7. 13. Which word means delicate and pretty, often used to describe small pets?
  8. 14. A reptile pet with a hard shell that enjoys basking in the sun
  1. 1. What word describes a pet that is kind, welcoming, and enjoys being around people?
  2. 2. A spiky pet that curls into a ball when feeling scared or defensive
  3. 3. What word describes someone who loves to explore and discover new things?
  4. 7. Which word means faithful and devoted, often used to describe a pet's loyalty?
  5. 8. A long and slithery pet that some people might find scary
  6. 9. Which word means cute and charming, making you want to hug and cuddle?
  7. 10. A pet that lives in a tank and swims underwater
  8. 11. A fluffy and hoppy pet that enjoys munching on carrots