Pets of the Sheaverse Books

  1. 1. [Retha] Kit's gorgeous yet grumpy parrot--er, winged warrior!
  2. 2. [Snow Queen] Rakel's phenomenal reindeer friend! (Hint: think cold!)
  3. 4. [Court of Midnight and Deception] The first night mare to choose Leila. (Hint: Solar or Lunar _____)
  4. 6. [King Arthur] What Britt names her white hart (deer).
  5. 7. [Beauty and the Beast] Elle's fluffy pony with an herb-like name!
  6. 10. [Retha] Noir's thieving (but cute!) raccoon pal.
  7. 14. [Court of Midnight and Deception] The gloom with a breakfast pastry-inspired name.
  8. 18. [The Fairy Tale Enchantress] Less a pet than a companion, Angelique's equine friend!
  9. 19. [Rumplestiltskin] The goat with an attitude on Grandmother Guri's roof!
  10. 20. [Ahira] Princess Ahira's magical unicorn friend. (Hint: he __ on her heartstrings!)
  11. 21. [Court of Midnight and Deception] Leila's adorable donkey who quickly befriends the night mares.
  12. 22. [Court of Midnight and Deception] The shade that most often accompanies Leila (and is actually female)!
  13. 23. [The Twelve Dancing Princesses] The deer-like mount Emerys lends to Quinn.
  14. 25. [Puss in Boots] Puss's original and very dignified first name.
  15. 26. [Rumplestiltskin] Gemma's rescued illumen hound. (Hint: second letter is a "v".)
  1. 1. [Rumplestiltskin] Stil's curmudgeonly steed bequeathed by his parents--er, Evariste and Angelique.
  2. 3. [Magiford] The Paragon's peerless and majestic feline!
  3. 5. [King Arthur] Britt's primary horse she rides into battle. (Hint: he's her black charger!)
  4. 8. [King Arthur] The loyal and faithful dog that accompanies Britt. (Hint: two "l"s at the end!)
  5. 9. [Elves of Lessa] Fyn's human guard, not really a pet (unless one were to ask Benjimir)!
  6. 11. [Retha] Solus Miles's enormous dragon. (Hint: last two letters are "re," not "er"!)
  7. 12. [Gate of Myth and Power] Chloe's full pet alias.
  8. 13. [Elves of Lessa] Tari's protective snow cat companion.
  9. 15. [Robyn Hood] The mischievous equine living among the Merry Men. (Hint: no, he can't knit or crochet!)
  10. 16. [Pack of Dawn and Destiny] The group nickname for the choosey cats Pip takes care of.
  11. 17. [The Twelve Dancing Princesses] Emerys' huge war steed! (Hint: think of what British people call a biscuit and replace the "c" with "p".)
  12. 22. [Gate of Myth and Power] What Aristide calls Ker while she's in her role as Seeing Eye dog.
  13. 24. [Court of Midnight and Deception] Leila's sweetheart of a sun stallion.