
  1. 3. Latest study from the GALAXY program showing that all statins do not have same renal profile
  2. 5. UK Evidence-based information for health, public health and social care professionals
  3. 6. USA-based association working to help patients affected by diabetes & fight the consequences of diabetes
  4. 8. Written guidance from international bodies for physicians regarding appropriate treatement based on patient type
  1. 1. Trial at the basis of "the lower, the better", that randomised 10.001 patients to double-blind treatment
  2. 2. Lipitor landmark study in diabetic patients
  3. 3. Randomised study in ACS patients comparing Lipitor 80 mg vs. pravastatine 40 mg
  4. 4. First intention statin in primary & secondary prevention
  5. 6. Two arms trial in primary prevention chaired by Björn Dahlöf and Peter S. Sever
  6. 7. USA most important heart societies (2 different names combined together)
  7. 9. EU body due to release new cholesterol guidelines in 2016