p.g 438-463 Study Guide Game

  1. 2. a political party united against the spread of slavery
  2. 3. idea that political power belongs to the people
  3. 5. abolitionists took over Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in hopes of starting a slave rebellion; failed
  4. 6. made it a crime to help runaway slaves
  5. 7. a new constitution, which allowed slavery, was formed by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas
  6. 8. result was that African Americans weren't considered citizens, so they had no right to sue in federal court; Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional
  7. 11. Democratic candidate that won the election for president
  8. 12. politial party formed by antislavery northerners
  9. 13. Virginia fugitive slave who was arrested in Boston
  10. 14. let California enter the Union as a free state
  11. 15. state that could upset balance of power in the Senate
  12. 16. president of the Confederate States of America
  13. 17. when Brown and his men killed five pro-slavery men inn Kansas
  14. 18. document stating that slavery won't exist in any land gained from Mexico
  1. 1. Lincoln challenged Douglas in a debate for the Senate Seat; Lincoln lost debate but gained recognition
  2. 4. a plan that would divide the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase into two territories-Kansas and Nebraska
  3. 7. political party that recognized the political principles of the Constitution, Union, and enforcement of laws
  4. 8. formal withdrawing of the Union
  5. 9. put slavery question in choice of American citizens
  6. 10. writer of Uncle Tom's Cabin which spoke out against slavery