Pharaoh's Dream

  1. 1. Another name for cows
  2. 5. To keep
  3. 8. What was available before the famine
  4. 9. The objects in the second dream
  5. 10. Vision while sleeping
  6. 15. Appointed over the land
  7. 16. The Hebrew
  8. 17. What the thin ears did to the full ears
  9. 20. The chief servant Pharaoh spoke to
  10. 21. The people first call by Pharaoh to interpret
  11. 22. What the seven represented
  12. 23. Where the kine came out of
  1. 2. The land in the dream
  2. 3. The number of ears of corn
  3. 4. The part that was stored each year
  4. 6. The second lot of kine were _ _ _ _
  5. 7. Who gave Pharaoh his answer to his dream
  6. 8. King of Egypt
  7. 9. Eat, devour
  8. 11. The way the wind blasted
  9. 12. Where the fatfleshed kine fed
  10. 13. To bring in
  11. 14. What shall happen to the plenty
  12. 18. Caused by the drought
  13. 19. The dream was revealed this many times