Pharmacy Acronym Soup

  1. 1. Complete blood count
  2. 3. No bowel sounds
  3. 5. Within normal limits
  4. 8. Urinary tract infection
  5. 9. Red blood cells
  6. 10. Do not resuscitate
  7. 11. History (of)
  8. 12. Nausea & vomiting
  9. 13. Blood pressure
  10. 14. Status post (include /)
  11. 16. History & physical
  12. 17. Ins & outs (Intake & output)
  13. 18. Acetaminophen
  14. 20. Alcohol
  15. 22. Pupils equal reactive to light
  16. 25. Coronary artery bypass (&) graft
  17. 27. Arterial blood gases
  18. 29. Drops
  19. 30. Fasting blood sugar
  20. 31. Upper respiratory infection
  21. 33. Shortness of air
  22. 34. Heart rate
  23. 35. Vital signs
  24. 37. No known drug allergies
  1. 1. Culture & sensitivity
  2. 2. Chief complaint
  3. 4. Blood urea nitrogen
  4. 5. White blood cells
  5. 6. Left upper quadrant
  6. 7. Myocardial Infarction
  7. 9. Respiratory rate
  8. 10. Diagnosis
  9. 11. History of present illness
  10. 12. Nothing by mouth
  11. 14. Subjective, objective, assessment, plan
  12. 15. Urinalysis
  13. 16. Hemoglobin & hematocrit
  14. 18. Activities of daily living
  15. 19. Physical exam
  16. 21. Both eyes
  17. 23. Review of systems
  18. 24. Before meals
  19. 26. Alert & oriented
  20. 27. Aspirin
  21. 28. Genitourinary
  22. 29. Gastrointestinal
  23. 32. Regular rate and rhythm
  24. 33. Signs & symptoms
  25. 34. head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat (No ampersand)
  26. 36. Emergency department