phases change

  1. 3. gas are well separated with no regular arrangement
  2. 5. ln ice cube melting into liquid water is a familiar example of the process
  3. 6. point Boiling point becomes lower as the external pressure is reduced
  4. 7. The most familiar examples of phases are solids, liquids, and gases.
  5. 9. Water turning into ice when the temperature drops below 0˚C Evaporation Drying clothes in the sun is one of the most common examples of evaporation
  6. 11. ice crystals inside boxes of frozen foods: Frozen foods sublime and results in
  7. 14. point salt lowering the freezing point of water to keep ice from freezing on roads in cold temperatures.
  8. 16. Frost is the deposition of water vapour from humid air or air containing water vapour on to a solid surface.
  1. 1. plasma include lightning, the aurora, a welding arc, and (of course) a plasma ball toy
  2. 2. Particles do not change
  3. 3. change phase changes include melting, freezing, condensation, evaporation, and sublimation.
  4. 4. when the water droplets in clouds combine, they become heavy enough to form raindrops to rain down onto your head.
  5. 8. point Melting point of a solid is the same as the freezing point of the liquid
  6. 10. gases include air, water vapor, and helium
  7. 12. point will begin to form at 44 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius)
  8. 13. liquid is heated, the atoms or molecules gain kinetic energy
  9. 15. solids are common table salt, table sugar, water ice, frozen carbon dioxide (dry ice), glass, rock, most metals, and wood