Philosophy of Ancient Greece and China

  1. 1. the Chinese did this action more readily than the Greeks
  2. 3. Confucianism blended smoothly with this belief.
  3. 7. the chief moral system of China, has been called the religion of common sense
  4. 8. to shrink something you need to do this first.
  5. 11. never developed the concept of zero.
  6. 14. there is no exact translation of this word in Chinese. (Hint: needed for fitting clothing or shoes.)
  7. 15. to take something you need to do this first.
  8. 17. Chinese scrolls and porcelains depicted scenes of this activity rather than battles and parties.
  9. 19. comes from the Greek word meaning "leisure".
  10. 20. a matter of controversy whether the Greeks or Hebrews invented this sense of personal agency.
  11. 21. the Chinese counterpart to the Greek agency.
  12. 23. a key idea is a notion of this.
  1. 2. Greeks' recognition that their belief that their way of life was superior to that of the Persians might be based on mere prejudice.
  2. 4. Zeno's famous demonstration included this object to prove visual evidence on motion and movement.
  3. 5. the Greeks made it clear that a man is defined by this fueled tradition.
  4. 6. to weaken something you need to do this first.
  5. 9. and option Greek philosophers' trusted was either this or their senses.
  6. 10. the Chinese made little progress in this subject because proofs relied on formal logic and the notion of contradiction.
  7. 12. in Chinese history this procedure was a great rarity.
  8. 13. a suffix not found in the Chinese language.
  9. 16. to abolish something you need to do this first.
  10. 18. one sign of the Tao stands for the feminine and dark and passive
  11. 22. one sign of the Tao stands for the masculine and light and active.