#CyberSecurityNetworks Crossword on Phishing

  1. 3. Sending a message that asks the person receiving the message to do something that that may benefit the sender but does not benefit the person receiving the message
  2. 6. Falls into the authentication category of something we know
  3. 8. Multiple types of authentication used at once from two or more authentication categories
  4. 9. Falls into the authentication category of something we are
  5. 11. Putting an "____ ____" in the process is good practice in mitigating the risk of phishing (two words 5,4)
  6. 12. If a message comes via social media from someone in the office that will not benefit us if it is a phishing message (eg. may download malware, lock up our machine or device with ransomware, or start a virus that will spam our contacts), we could put an put an extra step in the process and verify it by walking over to them and speaking "_____ __ _____" (three words 4, 2, 4)
  1. 1. Real-world example of MFA in the categories of something we have and something we know (three words 4,3,3)
  2. 2. Falls into the authentication category of something we do
  3. 4. Falls into the authentication category of something we are located by/ where we are (2 words: 2 letter acronym, 7)
  4. 5. Falls into the authentication category of something we are located by/ where we are (acronym)
  5. 7. If a message comes via sms from a service provider that will not benefit us if it is a phishing message (eg. give away your password or personal information), "____ ____ _____", we could instead put an extra step in the process and verify it by going directly to the trusted website account URL and logging in there (three words 2, 3, 5)
  6. 10. If a message comes via email asking us to do something that will not benefit us if it is a phishing message (eg. change a supplier bank account number, transfer money out of an account, provide a password), we could put an extra step in the process and verify it, for example via a "_____ _____" before acting on it (two words 5, 4)