  1. 1. a piece of equipment used for taking photographs, either as part of a mobile device or as a separate item
  2. 3. a digital camera
  3. 6. camera a camera that uses film to take photographs rather than producing digital images
  4. 7. a glass or plastic object that you put on a camera to change the colour or amount of light that passes through the lens
  5. 9. a camera used in the past for producing moving pictures on film
  6. 10. the hole in a camera that lets light in
  7. 11. the amount of film used for taking one photograph
  8. 13. a small camera used for recording pictures and sound
  9. 15. the chemical on the surface of film that makes it possible to take photographs
  10. 16. bulb a small light bulb fixed to a camera that produces a flash of light for taking a photograph. Most cameras now have electronic flashes.
  11. 17. a pole with a camera or microphone attached to it, used in film-making or broadcasting
  12. 20. camera a camera that takes and stores pictures and video in the form of electronic signals
  1. 1. a piece of equipment used for making television programmes, films, or videos
  2. 2. lens a type of lens used on a camera for taking photographs
  3. 3. a flat structure with wheels for moving heavy loads or for supporting a film camera
  4. 4. a room with very little light in it, used for developing photographs from film using chemicals
  5. 5. a chemical substance that is used to develop photographs
  6. 7. a piece of equipment used for producing a flash of light while taking a photograph
  7. 8. a fast film is one that you use to take photographs of something that is moving quickly, or that you use when there is not very much light
  8. 12. the part of a camera, telescope, microscope etc that you turn until you can see something clearly
  9. 13. a small container with film or magnetic tape inside that you put into a camera or tape recorder
  10. 14. a thin clear plastic material used in the past for making film for cameras
  11. 18. the plastic material used mainly in the past for taking photographs or recording moving pictures
  12. 19. cam a small camera that records pictures and sound in the form of electronic signals