
  1. 5. a popular brand of camera
  2. 8. typically has red lighting, where you develop pictures
  3. 9. a video that focuses on a subject
  4. 10. the focus of the picture
  5. 13. what is used to describe the photograph
  6. 14. special lights used in a studio
  7. 15. used to develop pictures
  1. 1. the person taking pictures
  2. 2. the type of camera we made out of oatmeal containers
  3. 3. a type pf photography focusing on something being sold
  4. 4. nature picture
  5. 6. a type of camera that uses film
  6. 7. basic morals needed as a photographer
  7. 8. when you expose a piece of film twice
  8. 11. color of light in darkrooms
  9. 12. a type of picture used on humans