Evolution of the Computer - 1

  1. 5. The technology of the first generation of computers
  2. 6. The technology of the second generation of computers
  3. 9. Invented the punch card system
  4. 12. Invented the MARK 1
  5. 14. Invented the Adding Machine
  6. 15. The technology of the fifth generation of computers
  7. 16. Ada Augusta Lovelace was the first ............
  1. 1. The technology of the third generation of computers
  2. 2. Improved the Adding machine
  3. 3. The ........... generation used a GUI first
  4. 4. The ............. generation used AI first
  5. 7. The ............... generation of computers used high level programming language first
  6. 8. The father of computing who invented the Analytical Engine
  7. 10. A first generation computer
  8. 11. The ............ generation used operating systems first
  9. 13. .............. and VLSIC were the technology of the fourth generation of computers