
  1. 2. what comes out of a chemical reaction
  2. 4. the pigment that absorbs the sunlight
  3. 5. a reactant for photosynthesis from the ground
  4. 6. light
  5. 9. provides energy for the reaction to start
  6. 10. an opening in the leaf that lets carbon dioxide in
  7. 11. the symbols for glucose
  8. 13. the number of glucoses produced by photosynthesis
  9. 15. the symbols for oxygen
  10. 16. making
  11. 20. a carbohydrate product of photosynthesis
  12. 21. a reactant for photosynthesis from the air
  13. 22. the catalyst for photosynthesis
  14. 24. a chemical change from one substance to another
  15. 25. what goes into a chemical reaction
  1. 1. control whether a hole in the leaf is open or shut
  2. 3. sunlight breaks water molecules to make ATP and NADPH
  3. 7. second step in photosynthesis that converts carbon dioxide into glucose
  4. 8. the chemical process of making glucose
  5. 12. the symbols for carbon dioxide
  6. 14. the organelle where photosynthesis takes place
  7. 15. a gas product of photosynthesis
  8. 17. the symbols for water
  9. 18. energy created and used during photosynthesis
  10. 19. the number of water and carbon dioxide molecules needed to make glucose
  11. 23. the color of light that is reflected by chlorophyll
  12. 26. usable energy for a cell