Photosynthesis and Matter Cycling

  1. 2. green pigment that is necessary for the reactions in photosynthesis
  2. 4. chemical reaction that breaks down sugars and releases chemical energy
  3. 5. a type of chemical reaction that can happen without oxygen
  4. 6. the molecule inhaled by plants and exhaled by humans
  5. 9. a nutrient that enters through the root system and is critical for plant amino acids
  6. 10. brought into the plant through root systems
  7. 11. the element upon which all life on earth is based, atomic number 6
  8. 13. the sugar molecule used by plants as a structural material
  9. 15. small photosynthetic organisms in the world's oceans creating 50% of all oxygen
  10. 18. this cannot be created or destroyed, it only transforms
  11. 20. Lifeforms responsible for breaking down the dead remains of other life
  1. 1. plant respiration happens through these holes
  2. 3. chemical reaction that captures solar energy by combining carbon dioxide and water into sugars
  3. 7. the molecule inhaled by animals and exhaled by plants
  4. 8. a style of chemical reaction that requires oxygen
  5. 11. plant organelle that where photosynthesis takes place
  6. 12. when water vapor is released from plants it increases this in the atmosphere
  7. 14. the general term for life that must eat other life forms for energy
  8. 16. the source of all energy used by life on our plant
  9. 17. the sugar molecule used by many life forms as an energy source
  10. 19. the general term for life that can perform photosynthesis (an autotroph)