Photosynthesis/ Cellular Respiration

  1. 1. primary consumers only eat _________
  2. 7. _______ are organisms that can produce their own food
  3. 10. cellular respiration happens in the _____
  4. 12. energy is never created nor ______
  5. 13. where photosynthesis occurs in plants
  6. 14. break down dead organisms and recycle nutrients
  7. 15. means to breath
  8. 16. In cellular respiration glucose is converted to _______
  9. 17. as energy moves between living things, some energy is lost in the form of _____
  1. 1. the _______ of photosynthesis are the same as the reactants of cellular respiration
  2. 2. a reaction that releases heat
  3. 3. sugar molecule is also known as _______
  4. 4. the _______ of photosynthesis are CO2 and H2O
  5. 5. plants use the C from CO2 to form organic compounds called ______
  6. 6. All consumers are _____ because they get their energy by eating other things
  7. 8. ________ eat only plants
  8. 9. organisms that consume both producers and other consumers
  9. 11. the amount of energy in an energy pyramid _______ is you go up
  10. 13. green pigment used by plants to capture light