- 3. This is the capital of India
- 6. code of behavior and ethical rules for each class, or caste
- 12. Lots of islands of the south coast of India
- 13. ocean south of India
- 14. this religion combines elements of Hinduism and Islam
- 15. Mountain range on the northern border of India
- 17. Plain in the north part of India
- 18. this religion believes in nothing to be desired
- 19. country north west of India and under Bhutan
- 20. main country were learning about
- 1. country above Bangladesh
- 2. Indias __________ is the worlds most populous
- 4. country north of India
- 5. outside of caste system
- 7. About 49% of people are enrolled in this job
- 8. country northwest of India
- 9. this religion worships many gods
- 10. Plateau in the south side of India
- 11. these are two most spoken languages in India
- 16. island country to the south of India