Physical benefits of sports

  1. 1. (v) fight against
  2. 2. (n) the chance that something will happen
  3. 3. (n) the ability to change or be changed easily according to the situation
  4. 6. (adj) related to heart
  5. 9. (adj) continuing for a long time
  6. 11. (n) a feeling of anxiety, causing high blood pressure
  7. 12. (n) a disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood
  8. 13. (v) take part in
  1. 1. (n) the act of making people work together
  2. 4. (n) a unit of energy
  3. 5. (n) one of many tissues in the body that can tighten and relax to produce movement
  4. 7. (n) fighting against something
  5. 8. (v) make something stronger
  6. 10. (n) the ability of doing something difficult