  1. 3. an element of dance where it releases potential to kinetic energy
  2. 6. a form of dance that evolved outside the dance studio and adapted street dance style
  3. 8. a hiphop style that involves quick movements of your arm, putting over front and back of your head
  4. 9. a hiphop dance style done by contracting your muscles to make quick outwards jerks of your body
  1. 1. another name for ''B-BOYING' hiphop dance style
  2. 2. dancing is beneficial to a person's health. True or False?
  3. 3. hiphop styles never changes through time. True or False?
  4. 4. a performing arts form that uses a person's body part to create actions and steps
  5. 5. a hiphop dance step that forms geometric shape using the person's body parts
  6. 7. a dance form that originated in New York