Physical Features and Countries

  1. 3. Northern China in the Kunlun Mountains
  2. 6. Eastern Asia
  3. 10. South China
  4. 12. southern Mongolia and northwestern China
  5. 14. Northeast Asia, between China and Japan
  6. 15. Southeast Asia
  7. 16. between Vietnam and Manila
  8. 18. The Indochina peninsula in Southeast Asia
  9. 19. The eastern Asia, on the southern Half of the Korean
  1. 1. on the West by Africa and on the North by Asia
  2. 2. Western China
  3. 4. located below the Bengal region
  4. 5. off the coast of mainland Southeast Asia in the Indian and Pacific Oceans
  5. 7. Southeast Asia along the coastline of the Pacific Ocean
  6. 8. along the northeastern part of the Asian continent
  7. 9. Province, south of the Gobi Desert
  8. 10. between mainland China and The Korean Peninsula
  9. 11. The easternmost part of the Asian Continent
  10. 12. flows southeast through India and Bangladesh
  11. 13. South of Asia
  12. 17. on the west of Gobi Desert