Physical Geography Review (Troop)

  1. 3. A 'misfit' boulder
  2. 6. Precipitation caused due to a mountainous landscape
  3. 7. The exterior layer of the earth's lithosphere
  4. 9. A glacier that moves through mountain valleys
  5. 11. Igneous rock that forms inside the earth
  6. 14. Climate that is located in-land, away from water
  7. 16. Established theory of continental drift
  8. 17. A well known divergent plate boundary
  9. 20. Igneous rock that forms above the earth's surface
  10. 22. Scrape marks on the landscape from glacial movement
  11. 24. Molten rock above the earth's surface
  12. 25. Rock that forms from cooled magma/lava
  13. 27. Fastest moving plate (at least according to our note)
  14. 28. The flexible, semi-molten layer of the earth, below the crust
  1. 1. Created by a convergent plate interaction
  2. 2. Rock made of layers of tiny rock particles
  3. 4. Acronym for remembering climate factors
  4. 5. Plates moving towards eachother
  5. 8. When one plate descends under another
  6. 10. Used to compare the size of earthquakes
  7. 12. When a piece of a glacier breaks off into water
  8. 13. Plates moving away from eachother
  9. 15. Climate that is moderated by water
  10. 17. Rock that has been changed under intense heat and pressure
  11. 18. Established theory of plate tectonics
  12. 19. The movement of heat through a material
  13. 21. Plates scraping sideways against eachother
  14. 23. An ancient supercontinent
  15. 26. Molten rock below the earth's surface