Physical Geography

  1. 4. rock that makes up the continents
  2. 5. the number of ice ages over last one hundred thousand years
  3. 6. currents that move the earth's plates
  4. 8. rock that makes up the ocean basins
  5. 14. slow moving mass of ice
  6. 15. rock laid down in ocean bottoms
  7. 22. developed theory on continental drift
  8. 23. the earth has this many crustal plates
  9. 24. person who studies volcanoes
  10. 26. first national park in Canada(rockies)
  11. 27. person who studies earthquakes
  1. 1. the mountains in northern Canada
  2. 2. rock formed through heat or pressure
  3. 3. rock used to make pool tables
  4. 6. type of glacier that covered our area
  5. 7. term describing the shape of the land (think map)
  6. 9. province with dinosaur bones
  7. 10. flow from a volcano
  8. 11. glaciers in the mountains
  9. 12. the oldest mountains in Canada
  10. 13. term meaning one land mass
  11. 16. the youngest mountains in Canada
  12. 17. developed theory on plate tectonics
  13. 18. volcanologist married couple
  14. 19. oldest landform in Canada
  15. 20. scratches in bedrock
  16. 21. a floating rock
  17. 25. person who studies rocks
  18. 28. known as firerock