Physical Geography

  1. 2. The inner portion of the Earth, one-third of it's entire mass
  2. 5. Region of the upper mantle just below the lithosphere
  3. 7. Physical weathering of rocks that occurs by mechanical forcing of rock joints
  4. 8. Abbreviation; complex, computer-based climate model
  5. 10. The dominant vegetation type extending across a region
  6. 12. Rock of Earth's crust below the soil; unweathered
  7. 15. The study of past climates using tree rings
  8. 17. Science that analyzes and describes origin, evolutions, etc. of landforms
  9. 18. The birth of mountains
  10. 19. Two words; Species that are brought and introduced to a new ecosystem
  11. 20. Elevation differences in a local landscape
  1. 1. Two words; Information about past environments that represent changes in climate; also called a climate proxy
  2. 3. Two words; ecosystem that consists of pine, spruce, and fir
  3. 4. A migrating piece of Earth's crust, dragged about by plate tectonics
  4. 6. The study of the Earth's past climates
  5. 9. Two words; Decomposition of minerals in rocks through chemical alteration
  6. 11. Form of weathering; associated with fragmentation of rock by pressure release
  7. 13. Instrument used to detect and record ground motion during an earthquake
  8. 14. The largest plutonic form exposed at the surface
  9. 16. Boundary transition zone between adjoining ecosystems