Physical Science Chapter 13 Vocabulary

  1. 4. Work = Force times _________.
  2. 5. The _________________ Family contains the Simple Inclined Plane, the Wedge, and the Screw.
  3. 6. A quantity that measures the rate at which work is done or energy is transformed.
  4. 7. ____________ help do work by changing the size of an input force, the direction of the force, or both.
  5. 8. Gravitational Potential Energy = _______ times acceleration due to gravity times height.
  6. 10. The _________ Family contains the Simple Lever, the Pulley, and the Wheel and Axle.
  7. 11. Power = Work divided by _______.
  8. 15. The SI unit used to express work is the _______.
  9. 17. The energy that an object has because of the position, shape, or condition of the object.
  10. 18. The transfer of energy to an object by the application of a force that causes the object to move in the direction of the force.
  1. 1. A quantity that expresses how much a machine multiplies force or distance
  2. 2. The sum of the kinetic energy and the potential energy in a system.
  3. 3. A machine made of more than one simple machine.
  4. 9. The energy of an object due to the object's motion.
  5. 12. The ability to do work.
  6. 13. The SI unit used to express power is the ________.
  7. 14. The SI unit used to express energy is the ________.
  8. 16. Kinetic Energy = one-half an object's mass times ___________ squared.