Cameron James 8-28-24 SCI-211-B1 Chapter 1 Vocabulary

  1. 5. An explanation or description of any phenomenon.
  2. 6. God's command that tells us to take care of the Earth, and to be fruitful and multiply.
  3. 7. Study of matter and energy along with the interactions between them.
  4. 8. Moral values or a theory of proper conduct.
  5. 12. field of natural science that studies matter, energy, chemistry, and physics.
  6. 14. Exactness of a measurement that can indicate the closeness or repeatability of measurements.
  7. 15. An ongoing, orderly, cyclical approach that is used to investigate the world.
  1. 1. Basis upon which a model is assessed, also taking into account how well it explains a set of observations and how accurate the model makes predictions.
  2. 2. Creating models that seek to explain and describe what we observe in the world.
  3. 3. Model that is normally expressed as a math equation, in which describes phenomena in different conditions.
  4. 4. Standardized system of measurement units used for science, standing for International System of Units.
  5. 5. Quantitative data including a number and unit.
  6. 9. Testable explanation based on known information on a phenomenon, providing key information for scientific investigation.
  7. 10. Study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter, along with the changes that take place in it.
  8. 11. Comparison of a measurement to an accepted or expected value.
  9. 13. A model which can be used to explain a related set of phenomena.