- 3. a condition of a diseased small root (of the spine)
- 4. abnormal or diseased condition of the vertebral spine
- 6. the scientific study of (human) movement and motion
- 8. resembling flow or secretion
- 9. the longest muscle of the spinalis muscle group
- 10. a disease of softening bones
- 13. stiffening
- 14. pertaining to the muscle and fascial tissue
- 17. belonging to the upper arm
- 18. a procedure that carries ions (through the skin)
- 19. a condition of pain in the coccus
- 21. person interested in medically treating nature
- 22. inflammation of the bursa
- 23. muscle above the spine
- 24. a diseased condition of the muscular wall of the uterus
- 1. produced from the neck region
- 2. a condition of a humpback
- 5. inflammation of bone and cartilage
- 7. a condition of diseased nerves
- 11. a diseased condition of the tendons
- 12. a condition of abnormal movement
- 15. inflammation of the band of fascia
- 16. the study of diseased bone conditions
- 20. inflammation of the joints