Physical Therapy Medical Terminology

  1. 3. a condition of a diseased small root (of the spine)
  2. 4. abnormal or diseased condition of the vertebral spine
  3. 6. the scientific study of (human) movement and motion
  4. 8. resembling flow or secretion
  5. 9. the longest muscle of the spinalis muscle group
  6. 10. a disease of softening bones
  7. 13. stiffening
  8. 14. pertaining to the muscle and fascial tissue
  9. 17. belonging to the upper arm
  10. 18. a procedure that carries ions (through the skin)
  11. 19. a condition of pain in the coccus
  12. 21. person interested in medically treating nature
  13. 22. inflammation of the bursa
  14. 23. muscle above the spine
  15. 24. a diseased condition of the muscular wall of the uterus
  1. 1. produced from the neck region
  2. 2. a condition of a humpback
  3. 5. inflammation of bone and cartilage
  4. 7. a condition of diseased nerves
  5. 11. a diseased condition of the tendons
  6. 12. a condition of abnormal movement
  7. 15. inflammation of the band of fascia
  8. 16. the study of diseased bone conditions
  9. 20. inflammation of the joints