Physical vs Material Properties of Materials

  1. 6. the ability of a material to withstand being pushed or squashed
  2. 7. the extent to which a material will return to its original shape after being stretched and deformed
  3. 8. Amount of matter that is contained within a specific material
  4. 10. the measure of a material's ability to conduct electricity
  5. 12. The quantity of three-dimensional space enclosed by a boundary. Ex; space that a substance solid, liquid, or gas occupies
  6. 13. the ability of a material to resist the propagation of cracks
  7. 18. The ability of a material to withstand pulling forces
  8. 20. Mass per unit volume of a material. Affects a product’s weight and size
  1. 1. a measure of how fast heat is conducted through a slab of material with a given temperature across the slab
  2. 2. the ability of a material to be changed in shape permanently
  3. 3. a measure of the degrees of increase in dimensions when an object is heated
  4. 4. the ability of a material to be drawn or extrded into a wire or other extended shape
  5. 5. reduces transmission of electric charge
  6. 9. the property of a material to break into numerous sharp pieces or shards
  7. 11. a measure of the stiffness of an elastic material and defined by stress/strain
  8. 14. the resistance of an elastic body to deflection by an applied force
  9. 15. Relies on gravitational forces to provide a measurable value. Often falsely used interchange with mass
  10. 16. the load on a structural member divided by its cross-sectional area
  11. 17. the response of a material due to stress, defined as the change in length divided by the original length
  12. 19. the resistance a material has when there is attempted penetration or scratching