
  1. 1. n butane and and 2 methylpropane are
  2. 3. name one metal which exist in free state
  3. 5. Nana tubes is invented by
  4. 6. unit of power
  5. 7. is called
  6. 9. pauling, valence bond theory proposed by
  7. 10. most electron affinity element
  8. 13. you want high resistance then what we have to connected resistors in series and parallel
  9. 14. substance which does not take participate in a chemical reaction but changes the rate of reaction
  10. 16. red, strontium chloride gives.. flame
  11. 17. SI unit of electrical energy
  12. 18. in thermite reaction who acts as a reducing element
  13. 19. process, evaporation is a
  1. 2. a current carrying helical coil is known as
  2. 4. known as
  3. 5. ore, froth flotation method is used for
  4. 8. right hand rule the thumb points the direction of
  5. 11. am constant during refraction guess who am I
  6. 12. acid, suffix used for acid
  7. 15. decay, if pH of the mouth is less than 5.5 causes
  8. 19. lens, converging lens