
  1. 2. the rate at which an object covers a distance
  2. 4. derived unit used to measure force.
  3. 8. how much ground an object has covered during its motion.
  4. 9. resistance to motion of one object moving against another.
  5. 10. a line is drawn perpendicular to the surface of mirror
  6. 13. the resistance an object has to change its state of motion.
  7. 18. work done by a force of one newton acting through one meter
  8. 20. two variables move in opposite directions
  9. 21. the product of force and displacement.
  10. 23. relation that remains unchanged
  11. 24. For a projectile launched with a velocity an angle
  12. 25. a vehicle's capacity to gain speed within a short time.
  1. 1. can't be created or destroyed.
  2. 3. a number on an axis.
  3. 5. the pulling force
  4. 6. quantities that are described by a magnitude and a direction.
  5. 7. related to the force acting on the object
  6. 11. The basic unit of length
  7. 12. how far out of place an object is
  8. 14. the standard measure of a quantity.
  9. 15. the speed of something in a given direction
  10. 16. any physical property that can be quantified
  11. 17. the amount of energy transferred or converted per unit time.
  12. 19. strength as an attribute of physical action or movement.
  13. 22. quantities that are fully described by a magnitude