
  1. 4. how much something weighs
  2. 6. unit of electricity
  3. 9. opposite of matter
  4. 11. study of heat and temperature
  5. 14. mass times velocity
  6. 15. nikola
  7. 17. my teacher calls himself
  8. 18. someone who professionally studies physics
  1. 1. opposite of kinetic energy
  2. 2. what goes up must come down
  3. 3. another term for force
  4. 5. measured in watts
  5. 7. isaac newton published this in 1687
  6. 8. the ninth planet
  7. 10. conservation of mass and energy
  8. 12. another term for kinetic energy
  9. 13. created laws of motion
  10. 14. discovered electromagnetics
  11. 16. the center of the universe
  12. 19. physics is a branch of this