
  1. 2. Allows no light to get through.
  2. 3. The highest point.
  3. 4. person inside this cage it is not effected
  4. 6. Are electromagnetic waves.
  5. 9. Multiple cells connected.
  6. 11. The most common cause of blindness.
  7. 13. Loads connected in a row.
  8. 14. Transforming information into 1's & 0's.
  9. 15. All sound waves require.
  10. 16. Way of doing business on the web.
  11. 17. The length of a complete wave.
  12. 18. Raises charges back up to higher voltage.
  1. 1. Another term for voltage.
  2. 3. block DC but allow AC.
  3. 4. Sound travels fastest.
  4. 5. The ability to let light rays.
  5. 7. used to measure very small currents
  6. 8. Energy divided by charge.
  7. 10. Reduces voltage keeping power constant.
  8. 12. Used to measure electric current.