
  1. 3. certain amount of force applied
  2. 7. energy transfer of a moving object
  3. 10. motion of matter with an electrical charge
  4. 11. resistance to motion
  5. 17. push or pull
  6. 18. transfer of energy
  7. 20. no charge
  8. 23. an object that continues its motion
  9. 25. a path of an object in motion
  10. 26. measure electrical current
  11. 28. intensity of a wave
  12. 29. stream of charged particles
  13. 30. relationship of crest an throughs
  14. 31. way of transferring electrons
  15. 34. powers electrical devices
  16. 35. device that makes or breaks current
  17. 37. force due to gravity
  18. 39. point on a graph
  19. 40. remaining constant
  20. 41. electrical component
  21. 46. amount of energy transferred
  22. 47. charge of total kinetic energy
  23. 49. current of one ampere
  1. 1. distance between two crests
  2. 2. frequency
  3. 4. electrical current SI Unit
  4. 5. instrument to measure volts
  5. 6. magnitude and direction
  6. 8. current with no specific direction
  7. 9. undergoes maximum displacement
  8. 12. upward displacement
  9. 13. material that carries a wave
  10. 14. electrical potential
  11. 15. interrupts current when hazardous
  12. 16. find direction of magnetic field
  13. 19. lowest point in displacement
  14. 21. positive charge
  15. 22. a change in velocity
  16. 24. capacity for doing work
  17. 27. rotational equivalent of linear force
  18. 30. singular vibration
  19. 32. opposition to current flow
  20. 33. flow in one direction
  21. 36. causes a force when placed in field
  22. 37. transport of energy
  23. 38. conductors become electrified
  24. 42. negative charge
  25. 43. measure of inertia
  26. 44. force exerted on a body
  27. 45. SI Unit of voltage
  28. 48. electrical resistance SI Unit