
  1. 5. The simple machine used in a knife?
  2. 7. Camels have wide feet to reduce the ________ on the ground which help it to stand on sandy lose ground
  3. 8. The property that keeps you from falling from a moving roller-coaster?
  4. 9. imbalance of electrons in an object creates a ____________
  5. 10. The degree to which a component in a circuit opposes the flow of electrons?
  6. 11. The property by which a magnet induces electric currents in the windings of an electric motor of a generator when it is moved by wind, water etc..?
  1. 1. It is a non-contact force that is dependent on the mass of the body?
  2. 2. a state in which a process and its reverse are occurring at equal rates so that no overall change is taking place
  3. 3. The property of light that determines the colour that we perceive with our eyes?
  4. 4. In an aircraft, the movement in the horizontal plane is called ___?
  5. 6. a region around a charged particle or object within which a force would be exerted on other charged particles or objects
  6. 9. What is the technique of detecting the position of objects by producing very high frequency sound waves and listening to the echos?