
  1. 3. electricity,imbalance between negative and positive charges (17)
  2. 6. unit that measures energy (5)
  3. 7. particle with a negative charge (8)
  4. 8. that allows electric current to pass through it (9)
  5. 10. unit of matter (4)
  6. 12. used to measure voltage (9)
  1. 1. that converts chemical energy to electric energy kinetic,Energy a type of energy possessed by the body due to its motion (13)
  2. 2. of Power (4)
  3. 4. elementary particle that is identical to the nucleus of the hydrogen atom (6)
  4. 5. device that resists the flow of current in a circuit (8)
  5. 9. device that measures current in a circuit (7)
  6. 11. device that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy (5)