
  1. 3. mr^2 is the equation for the I of a ____
  2. 5. An object with a lower moment of inertia will spin ____
  3. 6. the distribution of an object's ___ affects moment of inertia
  4. 8. kg m^2/s is the SI unit for _____ momentum
  5. 10. 1/12ml^2 is the equation for the I of a ___
  6. 12. Alpha is the symbol for rotational ___
  7. 15. Torque is a ____ quantity
  8. 16. To maximize torque the force should be applied at an angle of ___
  9. 17. An object's moment of ____ dictates its angular acceleration.
  10. 19. A torque that pointed the counter clock wise direction is considered _____
  11. 20. The SI Unit for Torque is a ______meter
  1. 1. The point at which a see-saw pivots is called a ____
  2. 2. Rolling objects have translation & ____ motion
  3. 4. rotational equilibrium + translational equilibrium = ____ equilibrium
  4. 7. 2/5mr^2 is the equation for the I of a ___
  5. 9. A force applied a distance away from the center of mass, will cause the object to _____
  6. 11. 1/2mr^2 is the equation for the I of a ___
  7. 13. The distance between the torque applied and pivot point of an object is called the______
  8. 14. L is the symbol for angular ____
  9. 18. turning action of a force