
  1. 1. Anatoli Bugorski
  2. 4. atom phasing
  3. 5. ftl
  4. 9. far away = slow
  5. 13. Genesis
  6. 14. yoga
  7. 15. lizards
  8. 17. all matter humans are likely to encounter is baryonic matter
  9. 19. white is black
  10. 21. He^+2
  11. 22. tendency surfaces to cling to one another
  12. 23. hydrogen 3
  1. 2. how far
  2. 3. between a star and a planet
  3. 6. particles emited by a black hole
  4. 7. demon
  5. 8. πE
  6. 10. syrup; water
  7. 11. Arkansas
  8. 12. speed of the atoms
  9. 16. -459.67 fahrenheit
  10. 18. zebra
  11. 20. nothing