
  1. 1. the force that brings something close.
  2. 4. the force that moves something away.
  3. 7. the _ constant is equal to 6.6743 × 10^(-11) m^(3) kg^(-1) s^(-2)
  4. 8. the m in E=mc^2
  5. 12. The a in F=ma
  6. 13. The F in F=ma
  7. 14. the number of dimensions that exist (According to quantum mechanics)
  1. 2. c is the speed of this in E=mc^2
  2. 3. He discovered relativity
  3. 5. the 4d hyperspace Einstein believed in.
  4. 6. The m in F=ma
  5. 9. He made jokes about a cat being dead & alive
  6. 10. He "discovered" gravity
  7. 11. the E in E=mc^2