
  1. 4. Quantities with both magnitude and direction.
  2. 7. change with time of the position or orientation of a body
  3. 10. the energy an object has because of its motion
  4. 11. A force is a push or pull upon an object resulting from the object's interaction with another object.
  5. 14. Quantities with only magnitude, no direction
  6. 15. The product of the magnitude of one vector with the component of the second vector along the first
  7. 17. the rate of change of velocity per unit of time.
  8. 18. the ability to do work
  9. 20. Who's laws of planetary motion?
  1. 1. The sum of two or more vectors.
  2. 2. total amount of time taken by an object to complete one revolution
  3. 3. the force that attracts a body toward the center of the earth, or toward any other physical body having mass.
  4. 5. distance between the resting position and the maximum displacement of the wave
  5. 6. the curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft around a star, planet, or moon, especially a periodic elliptical revolution.
  6. 8. An eclipse occurs when one heavenly body such as a moon or planet moves into the shadow of another heavenly body.
  7. 9. a resistance encountered when one body moves relative to another body with which it is in contact
  8. 12. The projection of a vector in a certain direction
  9. 13. the speed at which something moves in a particular direction
  10. 16. The size, brightness of intensity of the vector.
  11. 19. deviation of a curve or orbit from circularity.