
  1. 1. classes each day
  2. 3. mathematical term for rise/run
  3. 5. 9.8 m/s/s if the ________ of gravity
  4. 7. your grade
  5. 11. My name
  6. 13. science class you will take next year
  7. 15. ___________ Einstein
  8. 16. an electric car company and the unit for measuring magnetism
  9. 18. device needed for calculations
  10. 20. Often called the "father of the atomic bomb". Movie premiered same day as Barbie
  11. 22. 186,000 miles/sec if the speed of _________
  12. 23. a fundamental force of attraction
  1. 2. FHS mascot
  2. 3. ________ method
  3. 4. Principal's name
  4. 5. the opposite of matter
  5. 6. Isaac Newton has this many laws of motion
  6. 8. not weight but _______
  7. 9. independent and dependent
  8. 10. The study of matter, motion, energy and force
  9. 11. _________Galilei
  10. 12. least amount possible
  11. 14. Most countries measure distance on a road in ____ instead of miles (1000 m)
  12. 17. potential and kinetic
  13. 19. the opposite of acceleration
  14. 21. Isaac _________