
  1. 2. when something speeds up
  2. 4. how fast you are going
  3. 6. slows it down
  4. 9. how long something takes
  5. 10. when something is stopped
  6. 12. who created the laws
  7. 14. another type of graph
  8. 16. when you caculate force
  9. 17. when it transfers
  10. 19. how much speed it has at the time
  11. 20. the way you are going
  1. 1. find speed
  2. 3. the main name of physics
  3. 5. the estimate speed it can get
  4. 7. Newton's first law
  5. 8. what do you call movement
  6. 11. a type of graph
  7. 13. how something moves
  8. 15. the energy
  9. 18. speed in a direction