
  1. 1. the direction of an object moving
  2. 3. all stars start as this, large cloud of gas and dust
  3. 4. earliest stages of a stars life
  4. 7. height of a wave
  5. 9. a change in speed of an object over time
  6. 10. the highest point of a wave
  7. 12. a substance that a wave passes through
  8. 13. how the northern lights are created
  9. 16. a complete stop
  1. 2. light waves
  2. 5. when a main sequence star begins to run out of fuel
  3. 6. push, pull or twist
  4. 8. sound waves
  5. 11. remains of high mass stars
  6. 14. something that is slowing down
  7. 15. massive stars become this when they die
  8. 17. the lowest point of a wave