
  1. 4. effect The phenomenon of scattering of a beam of light by colloidal particles, when passed through a colloidal solution
  2. 5. A transparent material bound by two surfaces
  3. 6. Centre of reflecting surface of spherical mirror
  4. 7. part of the human eye where image of an object is formed
  5. 10. The ability of the eye lens to adjust its focal length is called
  6. 11. Also called as nearsightedness
  7. 12. indicates the extent to which an object's image is magnified in relation to the object size
  8. 13. Parallel rays to principle axis after reflecting meet at a point
  9. 14. Bouncing back of light
  10. 16. The clear, transparent, outermost layer of the eye that covers the pupil and iris
  11. 17. density The ability of a medium to refract light is also expressed in terms of its
  1. 1. Type of rays light consists of
  2. 2. ability of a lens to converge or diverge light rays depends
  3. 3. The splitting of white light into different colours on passing through a prism is called
  4. 8. The smallest distance at which the eye can see objects clearly without strain
  5. 9. Lens used by people who suffer from both myopia and hypermetropia
  6. 15. Mirrors commonly used as rear-view mirrors in vehicles
  7. 18. crystalline lens of people at old age becomes milky and cloudy