
  1. 2. just a number that shows amount or size.
  2. 3. an arrow that shows direction and distance.
  3. 4. how fast something is going
  4. 8. force some of all forces
  5. 9. An object keeps moving or stays still unless something stops it
  6. 10. when something keeps moving because it's going really fast.
  7. 13. a strong push that makes something move.
  8. 15. fast something is moving in a certain direction.
  1. 1. speeding up or changing direction
  2. 5. something moves from where it started.
  3. 6. push or pull
  4. 7. when things rub together and slow down.
  5. 11. how much a objects weight
  6. 12. force pulling u down
  7. 14. something that flies through the air.