- 4. Resistance is not futile, it is voltage divided by _________.
- 8. I know a guy who cooled himself to -273.15C. He was OK.
- 10. Why are chemists great at solving problems? Because they have all the __________.
- 11. Why is a physics book always so unhappy? Because it has lots of __________.
- 13. Why is it best to teach physics at the edge of a cliff? Because that’s where the students have the most __________.
- 16. Which cat fell off the roof first? The one with the lowest __________.
- 17. A branch of science that uses extremely long complicated questions to explain why a ball rolls.
- 19. May the mass times the acceleration be with you.
- 20. Never trust an atom. They make up __________.
- 1. What did one magnet say to the other magnet? I thought you were repulsive at first. However, after seeing you from the other side, I find you rather __________.
- 2. My girlfriend told me she needs some time and distance. No problem, she is probably just trying to determine her __________.
- 3. Why does a hamburger have lower energy than a steak? Because it’s in the __________.
- 5. A neutron walks into a store. He asks the cashier, “How much do you charge for a bag of chips?” The cashier smiles and says, “For you, __________.
- 6. What do you do with a dead chemist?
- 7. I was studying frequency in my physics class. Now my brain __________.
- 9. How much room does a fungus need to grow? As __________ as possible?
- 12. A photon checks into a hotel and is asked if he needs any help with his luggage. He replies, “No I am travelling __________.
- 13. Where does light go when it breaks the law? To __________.
- 14. Which books are the easiest to force yourself to read through?
- 15. I lost an electron! Are you sure? Yes, I’m _________.
- 18. Laughing gas of the nobles.