Physics Chapter 1 Key Terms_Ellen Bae

  1. 3. as distinguished from classical physics, all revolutionary discoveries in physics made since approximately 1900
  2. 6. the commonly used term for describing what scientists do
  3. 7. all scientific observations that are subject to interpretation according to the governing scientific paradigm a set of assumptions, concepts, values, beliefs, and practices that controls the way a person or a group of persons perceives some aspect of reality
  4. 8. the body of scientific knowledge acquired by methods of investigation that involve real-time observations of present-day phenomenon or records of first-person observations of events in the past
  5. 10. an assumption one derives from his worldview when making a decision about the validity of a stated fact
  6. 12. research based on four things
  7. 15. of or having to do with a dimension of a system
  8. 17. science which depends on present-day observations or experiments
  9. 18. the study of the sources and utilization of heat, and its conversion to other forms of energy
  1. 1. the body of scientific knowledge acquired by making inferences about events and processes in the past, based observations of evidence in the present
  2. 2. the study of the motion of macroscopic objects
  3. 4. the field of study involving any aspect of electricity and magnetism
  4. 5. empirical science that is done in response to God's commandment to exercise dominion over the earth
  5. 8. defining something by specifying certain tests that an object or phenomenon must meet rather than by using simpler or more fundamental terms
  6. 9. a systematic process for solving a scientific problem or presenting an explanation for a phenomenon
  7. 11. a review of a scientific paper by qualified scientists working in the area of the reported work in order to offer critical comments, suggest corrections, and to ensure that the highest standards of scientific research are followed
  8. 13. physics that is based upon the three major areas of mechanics, electrodynamics, and thermodynamics
  9. 14. a deliberate application of the senses to a phenomenon, with or without the aid of instruments
  10. 16. a statement describing a consistent relationship among physical quantities in nature