Physics D Nuclear

  1. 5. came up with modern atom
  2. 6. two small nuclei join to make a long nucleus
  3. 7. in the atom the amount of protons and___are the same
  4. 9. admisiĆ³n from unstable nucleus to stabilize atom
  5. 11. exposing a object to nuclear radiation
  6. 12. Alpha gamma and _____ types of ionizing radiation
  7. 14. stopped by paper
  8. 15. alpha radiation is the same as
  1. 1. beta radiation is_____ionising
  2. 2. discovered the electron
  3. 3. alpha radiation is most ionizing and ____to cells
  4. 4. fission used in nuclear power cells
  5. 8. contamination is unwanted presence of_________atoms
  6. 10. same number of proton different number of neutron
  7. 13. time taken too loose half of initial radioactivity
  8. 16. gamma stoped by