physics d reveiw

  1. 1. where the protons and neutrons can be found in the atomic structure
  2. 3. particle in the nucleus with a positive charge
  3. 5. the number of counts from a sample per second
  4. 6. type of radiation involving a high speed electron
  5. 8. household appliance that uses radiation
  6. 9. to cause an atom to become charged by gain or loss of electron
  7. 11. most penetrating form of radiation
  8. 12. a nucleus of an atom that is likely to decay
  9. 16. electrons can be found in these orbiting the nucleus
  10. 17. the scientist responsible for the nuclear model of the atom
  11. 18. the most ionising type of radiation
  12. 19. the scientist responsible for the plum pudding model
  1. 2. the exposure to a radioactive product by touching
  2. 4. the time for the number of unstable nuclei to reduce by 1/2
  3. 6. used to describe the radiation of the surroundings
  4. 7. atoms of the same element with a different number of neutrons
  5. 10. exposure to a radioactive material without touching
  6. 13. the unit activity is measured in
  7. 14. the charge of a neutron in the nucleus
  8. 15. sub-atomic particle with a negative charge